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How To Contact TBRR

Would you like to see our display at your event? Thanks for the interest! We have appeared at schools, train shows, museums, comic conventions, Maker Faires, and a lot of other events. We love meeting the public and showing off our town and trains. Please email us at sj@sjgames.com (Steve Jackson) and m.giraudsykes@gmail.com (Mark Sykes), just to make sure someone reads your mail quickly.

(Note that you can also find us on Facebook and on our Google group, but that's not the most reliable way to reach us with this inquiry.)

To start with, we'd like to know:

  • What city is it being held in?
  • What day or days is it running?
  • What is the theme of your event?

We do not charge for our appearances. If we can come, we will. But we gratefully accept an honorarium, if one is offered, to defray some of our costs.

If we have members who are able to attend, we will have follow-up questions. If you provide these details in your initial email, we won't mind! But we understand if you just want to start with "can we come?"

  • What's the exact address for the event?
  • What time and day would we be able to load in?
  • What time would we need to load out?
  • What size space you would want us to fill? And is there electricity to the space?
  • Who is our point of contact the day of the event? Phone? E-mail?
  • If you have a separate loading area from parking, do you have a map of where we would put our vehicles during that phase of the event?
  • Do you have any arrangements with local hotels to help cut down our members' costs?
  • What else would you like us to know?

We want to help you have a successful event. We look forward to hearing from you!